
Thoughts On The First Week, Or, How To Feel Good About Yourself Using MySpace

So ends the first week of this MySpace experiment. As my social point total stands at 31, I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for not rejecting my friend requests and for actually taking the time to read my info, my pics, and for leaving responses and comments. I feel welcomed into the world of MySpace. Now, in Week 2 of the experiment, I will try to leave more comments on all of your pages, and maybe even actually trying to talk to some of you, instead of just adding you as my friend and then bragging about the circumfrence of my online social circle...

As for happenings in the southwest corner of the known world, it's HOT. I suppose this is what all those people up here who complain about winter dream of on a regular basis. Blazing sunshine and a humidity factor that makes a Swedish sauna feel like the Gobi Desert. It's the perfect day to sit out in the sunshine and sip a Mocha Frappuccino. Or, in my case, stay in my almost-perfect 73 degree apartment and muse on MySpace, dreaming of October crisp and January white.

If you folks are bored this summer, you can hop on over to me and Joanna's wedding webpage and sign our guestbook, so we at least get the idea that people are reading it...


That's it for now...

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