
A Sign Of The Times

Alright, so I was paid to do this. Yes, the price of 1 pent was enough to get Ian to make a MySpace, as he never would have done it of his own accord. If these are indeed end times, this is surely a sign...

Anyway, this is my first blog. I don't think I'll do this very often, but we'll see... I've come to understand that MySpace is as addictive as any narcotic, and as hard to quit as Diet Coke.

So what have I been up to? I've been back living in Minnesota for a year now, after a yearlong exodus to Milwaukee. I'm living in Eden Prairie with my brother Geoff. After two and a half years, two states, and 17 stores I recently jumped ship from Caribou Coffee and am now working for Starbucks in Hopkins. I am also engaged to be married to an old friend from my Youth Alive days in high school, Joanna McSpadden. The date is set at January 6, 2007.

So that's what's in the proverbial nutshell, what's up with everyone else?

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