
A Prologue

I've really done it this time.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be rolling out a four-part series of blogs that are part autobiographical, part sociological, part historical, part potential, and in large part, whimsical. Among a host of other descriptive words, they will be incredibly introspective and very personal. You may find out some things you never knew, some things you didn't want to know, and some things about which you may not care. But it's my story; it's where I'm coming from, where I'm at right now, and where it all may be going. The purpose is threefold: 1) I've got an incredible writing itch to scratch; 2) I've got some things to sort out in my own head and by writing it all out will serve to help me in that process; 3) I'd like to involve in the process everyone who happens to read my words, allowing them to share their thoughts and create a conversation, and in the classic Ian blog sort of way, challenge people to examine themselves, their own stories, and where they're going. I will purpose in this story, as much as I can, only to name ideas and not names, as that's not the point here. If you feel slighted, as though I'm pointing a finger and just not saying your name, I apologize- there is no anger or resentment meant toward anyone. If you feel as though you're being praised or otherwise shed in a positive light, that's awesome: you know who you are, you should feel wonderful, and I'm still not going to call you by name! I don't purport to be superior to anyone else, or even special for that matter, as I'm sure countless others have followed a similar path in life. But it's me, it's mine, and it can be a part of yours, too.

I must also warn that in accordance with Point 1 of the Threefold Purposes of writing this series- the one about scratching the writing itch- I will be employing what may at times sound like a deliberately grandiose style of prose.

I like to hear myself think; my apologies.

Stay tuned…

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